
Easter A to Z

Before I got past my biases of what Easter was about, it was just another holiday where I got to eat all my kids leftover chocolate. Now, I still dip into the chocolate, but I have a renewed way of looking at it.  I now have a new language for Easter.

Before I knew Him

Easter was

Allegory and ads

Baskets and bunnies

Cadbury and caramel

Dinners and doilies

Easter was

Easily effortless

Frivolously fantastic

Garishly gilded

Heavily homogenized

Impotently Impish

Justifiably juvenile

Easter was

Ken dolls and kicks

Lavender and lilacs

Mushy and meek

Nonsense and nibbling

Now that I’ve met Him

Easter is:

Overwhelmingly oxygenating

Powerfully praiseworthy

Quintessentially quest-worthy

Reliably restoring

Sensationally saving

Tremendously Triune

Easter is:

Underestimated and urgent

Victorious and voluminous

Wonderful and winning

‘X-hilarating and ‘x-citing

Yearnful and youth-giving

Zealot-led Zeitgeist

Easter is:

what God did for us on a cross

it is the renewal of ALL things

A to Z

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2 thoughts on “Easter A to Z

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  1. Very clever.
    Easter for me is usually confusing, in that I never know when it is.
    That doesn’t matter though, as it is usually raining anyway.
    Thanks for following my blog.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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